Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Time Again...

Ok, so I have decided once again to go private with this blog.  There's a lot of pluses and positive aspects to having it public, but the same is true with having it private...and I feel like it is best to close it off to the public.  So, if any of you would like to be part of the private audience, let me know!


  1. I would love to stay in touch! lisanicm@gmail.com

  2. I love keeping up with my high school friends! tnat00@gmail.com

  3. Not sure if you remember me (Julie Skousen) but we were friends a million years ago at BYU-I back in 2001. Lisa was my roommate. I would love to keep reading your blog. You can read mine at www.julieandstephen.blogspot.com My email is juliembarnes@gmail.com AND if you don't remember me, I am not offended if you don't want me to read :)

  4. Brett and I would love to continue to know what is going on with the Denning family especially since we will be moving to Wyoming. My email is lesweeter@gmail.com. Thanks!

  5. Oh please keep me! ;) I love to keep up with what is going on with you guys!
