Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Greetings!!!!

From our house to yours, we write a special note,
This year has seen change, even owned a goat.
But alas the goat's gone, and so is the year,
its time to reflect on our blessings so dear.

Our newest blessing is our little Lil'
she's so very sweet-definitely no pill.
Her eyes are so big, her feet twirl 'round
Holding her in your arms is the best blessing around.

Hannah's so nice, she can light up a room.
Her smile's contagious, She cleans with a broom.
She brings us much joy and also much laughter,
We're happy to have her forever after.

Sissy is schooling in preschool this year.
She's smart as a whip, she has little to fear.
She's such a blessing and we love her so much
She's quick to console others with her gentle touch

Drew is growing tall, strong, and brave,
He always is helpful and good to behave.
Drew builds and constructs and figures things out,
He's a great worker - of this there's no doubt.

Jeannette is the cutest and loveliest gal,
Whenever I see her I say out loud WOW.
She cleans and cooks and nurtures so well,
She's everything to me, I love her as you can tell.

Jed has some issues
His is definitely no winner,
This morning he made breakfast
From the previous nights dinner.

OK, now it is Jeannette's turn to write,
Jed is too humble
So I must make things right.

Serving and working are things Jed loves to do
He does it quite often, he's a good father too.
He fixes, helps clean, and changes diapers as well.
He's such a trooper, we all think he's swell.

This year has been wonderful, joyful, and great.
So many things for us to appreciate.
We hope all is well with our family and friends,
Finding you happy, healthy, and grateful for the blessings God sends.

Merry Christmas!!!!
the Denning Family
Jed, Jeannette, Drew, Madelyn, Hannah, and Lily



  1. Very very cute Christmas poem! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!!!

  2. I love your Christmas poem, Jeannette! Your family is beautiful.
