The girls have been overly obsessed with dress-up clothes as of late.
Hannah did not want her picture taken.
Just a brief little update:
Lily is doing much better eating real food. She is starting to feed herself and loves that. She adores pickles. It is so fun to see her interact more and more with her brother and sisters. Lily is still as good as gold. When she cries, all of the kids run to her aid because it really is such a rare occasion.
Hannah has decided that naps should be a thing of the past, that is always a hard adjustment to make. Not for her, but for me. Hannah is still hilarious as ever. The other night we were eating breakfast for dinner. I made hashbrowns and she asked for some. She noticed there was pepper on the hashbrowns and told me she did not like pepper. I told her it would be too hard to get it off and I said that it would probably be ok. She thought about it then looked me right in the eyes and said,"Mom, I forgive you." Hannah also taught her 1st FHE. It was very cute and taught us how Jesus loves a boy (she was showing us a picture she colored in nursery) and had us sing the ABC song with her too.
Drew and Madelyn went to the dentist for the first time ever. They were scared to death! Then when we were driving home they both were asking how soon we could return. The dentist is now right up there with Disneyland!
Madelyn is reading like crazy. She loves to do math too. I'm getting kind of worried that she will be bored in kindergarten. But I guess we will jump that hurdle when we get there.
The other night I heard a pretty comical exchange from Drew and Madelyn. We had attended one of Jed's Elders Quorum bball games a couple of nights before, and I heard them talking in the kitchen:
Madelyn: Ya know, when we went to dads soccer game?
Drew: You mean football game?
I guess it is apparent we're not too into the sports thing.
Jed just spruced up our bedroom with surround sound and a new tv. It's pretty fun. He is going to be on staff for a Wood Badge training course this fall, so he attended his first training a couple of weeks ago. He gets to work with some great people and he is excited about that. They have also asked him to speak this Sunday for Scout sunday. Even though they snatched Jed up in the Elder's Quorum, he is still the scout committee chairman and he loves having his foot in the door of scouting. He loves scouting and it has rubbed off on me, as well as Drew.
Our stake invited Sister Julie B. Beck-Relief Society general president-to come and speak at the BYU-I center in Rexburg in a couple of weeks. As soon as I found that out I was SOOO excited!! She is just someone I completely admire. Then to top that off I was asked to be in the choir they are organizing for the meeting. I don't consider myself an amazing vocalist or anything, so I'm grateful that they asked! It's been wonderful and inspiring as we've practiced, to join with women and deliver a united message through song.
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